Inclusive Economy Lab Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard
Explore the data: Visit the Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard.
Research shows that for our neighbors experiencing a financial crisis, targeted assistance can make the difference between maintaining a safe, stable place to live and experiencing housing insecurity. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, policymakers in Chicago have been trying to understand how to best design supports and target resources – but housing data at the local level is limited and often out of date.
The Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard is a tool from the Inclusive Economy Lab that intends to fill in the gaps by constructing a set of leading indicators of housing instability. The dashboard combines administrative, commercial, and survey data to inform policymakers in near-real time of changes in the scale and distribution of housing instability risk across our city. We know that a history of disinvestment and segregation in both the public and private sectors are central to understanding the state of housing insecurity in Chicago and across the country. The disaggregation by race and ethnicity that is included in the dashboard wherever possible is intended to be interpreted in light of this history.
Watch our May 2023 webinar featuring Lisa Morrison-Butler, Daniel Hertz, and the IEL team by clicking here or on the image below.
Key Takeaways, November 2022 Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard November 2022 Key Takeaways, December 2021 Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard December 2021 Key Takeaways, August 2021 Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard August 2021