Inclusive Economy Lab Students in Temporary Living Situations
Over one million elementary and high school students nationally are experiencing homelessness.
In Chicago alone, nearly 18,000 students lack a stable place to call home. Though students experiencing homelessness value the sense of community and learning opportunities afforded by school, virtually no rigorous studies evaluate school-based strategies for supporting the educational engagement and achievement of students who are unstably housed.
The Inclusive Economy Lab has partnered with the Chicago Public Schools Office of Student Support and Engagement to better understand how housing instability affects the academic outcomes of CPS students, to identify promising approaches for supporting students experiencing homelessness, and to incorporate these strategies into future trainings for school staff.
Read the Report: "Known, Valued, Inspired": New Evidence on Students Experiencing Homelessness
Watch the Report Release Event
In addition, the Lab is working with CPS to evaluate the Home Connections Program, which offers families a housing-focused case manager with the goal of stabilizing their living situations. Throughout 2021, the Inclusive Economy Lab is conducting a process evaluation to observe program implementation and plan for a full-scale randomized control trial beginning in 2022.
"Known, Valued, Inspired": New Evidence on Students Experiencing Homelessness