Inclusive Economy Lab Illinois Transitional Math Program

Research shows that early academic momentum, including taking and passing key gateway courses in the first year of college, is linked to higher degree completion rates. However, over two-thirds of community college students need at least one developmental education course before enrolling in gateway math and English, with many failing to complete these courses.

Inadequate academic preparation and restrictive course placement policies contribute to this issue, disproportionately affecting Black and Latine students and those from low-income households. To address these gaps, several states have implemented high school transitional courses to prepare students for college- level coursework, enabling direct enrollment in credit-bearing gateway courses.

This study examines the impact of a transitional math (TM) program implemented in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) as part of the Illinois Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act of 2016. The Illinois TM program is designed to support high school seniors who are intending to go to college but may not be eligible to take college-level coursework. It seeks to enhance their college readiness and ensure guaranteed placement into credit-bearing math courses at all Illinois community colleges and accepting universities. The program emphasizes real-world applications using contextualized content to promote problem-solving skills, helping students achieve their college and career goals.

Transitional Math White Paper Transitional Math Evaluation Two Pager